External Appearance. The very approach to the Society from Madhu Vihar side presents a dismal picture.
Generator. The 15 KVA Genset was bought by the Society from Society funds for Rs 45,000/- to provide backup power for the security lights in the Society. The Genset has been neglected over the last few years and no maintenance worth the name has been carried out.
Parking Chaos. There is no check on parking within the Society premises with two wheelers being parked haphazardly in common areas and blocking walkways. There are no instructions on the subject from a sleeping MC, thereby causing inconvenience to members. Besides, the chaotic parking is bound to restrict movements in emergency situations.
The complexes board having fallen presents a disgraceful picture. How long has it been this way? I agree that the management has been sleeping but are the residents also not to blame? Why have they not taken the management to task as yet? Have any protests or official complaints been launched? Is there any process to address such complaints?