Tuesday, August 16, 2011



  1. Perhaps one of the members in the society can volunteer to teach a class on electricity to the children. Maybe the children who have been causing this havoc can come up with ideas to conserve electricity. Children have a lot of energy, if we can show them how to use this energy positively, the will make great contributions to our world.

    We should all help out in this task and make Din a Child friendly society, in which they are safe and able to grow into strong responsible adults.

  2. I feel that this and other issues with children can be resolved if we (as a community) understand the underlying problem faced by all children living in urban spaces. Children need physical activity to develop. Urban communities have not been designed with any consideration for children. This is a huge challenge ... however, if we apply ourselves, solutions can be found.

    Din is already a model society for many societies in Dwarka. If this challenge of urban childhoods is resolved, we can really give children back their right to be children.

    It does require a lot of effort. One or 2 people cannot do this work. Let us also keep in mind that when Col Madan took over, the society had crores worth of litigation. Dysfunctional processes, security and water problems ... I mean we have to give the guy a break and recognize that community development is a collective responsibility.

    When each person living in the society recognizes their responsibility, things will surely change.

  3. Lots of views have been expressed about the Independence Day function. but it is is disappointing to observe that only a handful of adults come to attend the flag histing ceremony in spite of being reminded and requested through the sticker pasted on the sweet box distributed a day earlier to residents in their respective flats.

  4. If any parent desires that his or her child plays foot ball,cricketor hockey etc.the parent must encourage the child to become a member of a club in the locality or play outside in open ground.Our apartment complex is meant for peaceful living and management should desist from encouraging such activities

  5. Maybe the independence day is not interesting to the adults? Children love the country a lot more :).

  6. I feel that children are the responsibility of the whole community, not just parents. All adults should get together to solve this problem. What good is a society without happy children?
